学术论文: |
自 2010 年以来, 在《中国科学》、《科学通报》、《计算机学报》、《软件学报》、《电子学报》、《通信学报》、《IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing》、《 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 》、《 IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation》和《Pattern Recognition》等国内外权威期刊及 IEEE GLOBECOM 和 IEEE WCNC 等高水平国际会议发表了学术论文。 1. 代表性SCI和重要会议论文:
1) Geng Sun, Jiahui Li, Yanheng Liu, Shuang Liang*, Hui Kang*. Time and Energy Minimization Communications Based on Collaborative Beamforming for UAV Networks: A Multi-objective Optimization Method. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2021, 39(11): 3555-3572. (SCI, IF=11.4, 中科院1区, CCF A); 2) Zemin Sun, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Rundong Yu, Dongpu Cao. Cross-Layer Tradeoff of QoS and Security in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Game Theoretical Approach. Computer Networks, 2021, 192: 108031. (SCI, IF=3.111, 中科院3区, CCF B); 3)Zemin Sun, Yanheng Liu*, Jian Wang, Guofa Li, Carie Anil, Keqiang Li, Xinyu Guo, Geng Sun*, Daxin Tian*, Dongpu, Cao. Applications of Game Theory in Vehicular Networks: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2021, 23(4): 2660-2710. (SCI, IF=25.249, 中科院1区); 4)Yanheng Liu, Hongyang Pan, Geng Sun*, Aimin Wang, Jiahui Li, Shuang Liang. Joint Scheduling and Trajectory Optimization of Charging UAV in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021. Accepted. (SCI, IF=9.515, 中科院1区); 5) Jiahui Li, Hui Kang, Geng Sun*, Shuang Liang, Yanheng Liu, Ying Zhang. Physical Layer Secure Communications Based on Collaborative Beamforming for UAV Networks: A Multi-objective Optimization Approach. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2021). Accepted. (EI, CCF A会议); 6) Geng Sun, Yanheng Liu*, Zhaoyu Chen, Aimin Wang, Ying Zhang, Victor C.M. Leung. Energy Efficient Collaborative Beamforming for Reducing Sidelobe in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2021.03.01, 20(3): 965-982. (SCI, IF=5.112, 中科院1区, CCF A,业界公认学科综合顶级期刊); 7) Shujing Li, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Zemin Sun. SCMAC: A Slotted Contention Based Media Access Control Protocol for Cooperative Safety in VANETs. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020.05.01, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2967500. (SCI, IF=9.515, 中科院1区, 二级学科(方向)顶级期刊); 8) Geng Sun, Xiaohui Zhao, Guojun Shen, Yanheng Liu*, Aimin Wang, Suhanya Jayaprakasam, Ying Zhang, Victor C.M. Leung. Improving performance of distributed collaborative beamforming in mobile wireless sensor networks: a multi-objective optimization method. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020.03.26, 7(8): 6787-6801. (SCI, IF=9.515, 中科院1区, 二级学科(方向)顶级期刊); 9) Han J, Liu Y, Sun X*, et al. A self-adjusting quantum key renewal management scheme in classical network symmetric cryptography. Journal of Supercomputing, 2020.06.12, (3): 1-19. (SCI, IF=2.157, 中科院3区, CCF C); 10) Shujing Li, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Yuming Ge. An Efficient Broadcast Scheme for Safety-Related Services in Distributed TDMA-Based VANETs. IEEE Communications Letters, 2019.08.01, 23(8): 1432-1436. (SCI, IF=3.457, 中科院2区); 11) Zemin Sun, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Fang Mei, Weiwen Deng, Yuming Ge. Non-cooperative game of throughput and hash length for adaptive Merkle tree in mobile wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019.05.02, 68(5): 4625-4650. (SCI, IF= 5.379, 中科院2区, 二级学科(方向)顶级期刊); 12) Boyu Li, Yanheng Liu, Minghai Wang, Bin Li, Geng Sun*. Local Anatomy for Personalized Privacy Protection. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 2019.01.01, DOI: 10.1504/IJICS.2019.10021466. (SCI, IF=1.822, 中科院3区, CCF C); 13) Junyi Deng, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Shujing Li. SHIYF: A Secured and High-Integrity YARN Framework. Electronics, 2019.05.10, 8(5). (SCI, IF=1.764, 中科院3区); 14) Boyu Li, Yanheng Liu, Xu Han and Jindong Zhang*. Cross-bucket generalization for information and privacy preservation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, 2018.03.01, 30(3): 449 - 459. (SCI, IF=2.775, 中科院2区, CCF A, 业界公认学科综合顶级期刊); 15) Geng Sun, Yanheng Liu, Zhaoyu Chen, Shuang Liang, Aimin Wang*, Ying Zhang*. Radiation Beam Pattern Synthesis of Concentric Circular Antenna Arrays Using Hybrid Approach Based on Cuckoo Search. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2018.09, 66(9): 4563-4576. (SCI, IF=4.130, 中科院2区); 16) Jian Wang, Fangqi Liu, Yanheng Liu*, Weiwen Deng, Lin Li. Distance-Driven Consensus Quantification. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018.05, 19(5): 1471-1484, DOI:10.1109/TITS.2017.2728125. (SCI, IF=3.724, 中科院1区, CCF B, 业界公认学科综合顶级期刊); 17) Geng Sun, Yanheng Liu, Han Li, Jionghui Li, Aimin Wang*, Ying Zhang*. Power Pattern Synthesis for Energy Beamforming in Wireless Power Transmission. Neural Computing and Applications, 2018.10, 30(7): 2327–2342. (SCI, IF=2.505, 中科院2区, CCF C); 18) Xu Zhou, Xiaohui Zhao, Yanheng Liu*. A multiobjective discrete bat algorithm for community detection in dynamic networks. Applied Intelligence, 2018.09.07, 48(9): 3081-3093. ( SCI, IF=2.882, 中科院3区, CCF C); 19) Xu Zhou, Xiaohui Zhao, Yanheng Liu*, Geng Sun. A game theoretic algorithm to detect overlapping community structure in networks. Physics Letters A, 2018.04.05, 382(13): 872-879. (SCI, IF= 2.087, 中科院3区); 20) Geng Sun, Yanheng Liu, Guojun Shen, Aimin Wang*, Ying Zhang*, Victor C.M. Leung. Multi-objective optimization for distributed collaborative beamforming in mobile wireless sensor networks. IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2018), 1: 490-758. (EI, CCF C会议); 21) Geng Sun, Yanheng Liu, Ming Yang, Aimin Wang*, Shuang Liang, Ying Zhang*. Coverage Optimization of VLC in Smart Homes based on Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm. Computer Networks, 2017.04.01, 116: 63-78. (SCI, IF=2.522, 中科院3区, CCF B); 22) Xu Zhou, Yanheng Liu, Bin Li*, Han Li. A multiobjective discrete cuckoo search algorithm for community detection in dynamic networks. Soft Computing, 2017.11, 21(22): 6641–6652. (SCI, IF=2.367, 中科院3区, CCF C); 23) Xu Zhou, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Chun Li. A density based link clustering algorithm for overlapping community detection in networks. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2017.11.05, (486): 65-78. (SCI, IF=2.132, 中科院3区); 24) Geng Sun*, Yanheng Liu, Zhaoyu Chen, Ying Zhang, Aimin Wang, Shuang Liang. Thinning of Concentric Circular Antenna Arrays Using Improved Discrete Cuckoo Search Algorithm. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2017), DOI: 10.1109/WCNC.2017.7925959. (EI, CCF C会议); 25) Geng Sun, Yanheng Liu, Meng Yang, Aimin Wang, Ying Zhang. Charging nodes deployment optimization in wireless rechargeable sensor network. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017), DOI: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2017.8253963. (EI, CCF C会议); 26) Jian Wang, Jiake Xu, Yanheng Liu*, Weiwen Deng. AST: Activity-Security-Trust driven modeling of time varying networks. Scientific Reports, 2016.02.18, 6: 21352. (SCI, IF= 4.259, 中科院2区); 27) Peng Zhou, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Weiwen Deng, Heekuck Oh. Performance Analysis of Prioritized Broadcast Service in WAVE/IEEE 802.11p. Computer Networks, 2016.10.01, 107(2): 233-245. (SCI, IF= 2.516, 中科院3区, CCF B); 28) Geng Sun, Yanheng Liu, Aimin Wang*, Jing Zhang, Xu Zhou. Node Selection Optimization for Collaborative Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc Networks, 2016.02.06, 37(2): 389-403. (SCI, IF=3.047, 中科院3区, CCF C); 29) Lin Li, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Weiwen Deng, Heekuck Oh. Human Dynamics Based Driver Model for Autonomous Car. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2016.10.14, 10(8): 545-554. (SCI, IF=1.194, 中科院4区, CCF C); 30) Siwei Gao, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Weiwen Deng. Heekuck Oh. JAKF: Joint Adaptive Kalman Filter for Vehicle Motion State Estimation. Sensors, 2016.07.09, 16(7): 1103. (SCI, IF=2.677, 中科院3区); 31) Lin Li, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Weiwen Deng, Heekuck Oh. Vehicle Mobility Driven by Traditional Drivers vs. Connected Drivers. Wireless Networks, 2016.08.05, 22(6): 1891-1900. (SCI, IF=1.584, 中科院4区, CCF C); 32) Zhao Liu, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Weiwen Deng. Modeling and simulating traffic congestion propagation in connected vehicles driven by temporal and spatial preference. Wireless Networks, 2016.05.04, 22(4): 1121-1131. (SCI, IF=1.584, 中科院4区, CCF C); 33) Jiake Xu, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang*, Weiwen Deng, Thierry Ernst. VIKE: Vehicular IKE for Context-Awareness. Wireless Networks, 2015.05, 21(4): 1343-1362. (SCI, IF=1.055, 中科院4区, CCF C); 34) Xu Zhou, Yanheng Liu, Bin Li*, Geng Sun. Multiobjective biogeography based optimization algorithm with decomposition for community detection in dynamic networks. Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications, 2015, 436: 430-442. (SCI, IF=1.785, 中科院3区); 35) Xu Zhou, Yanheng Liu, Jindong Zhang*, Tuming Liu, Di Zhang. An ant colony based algorithm for overlapping community detection in complex networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Application, 2015.06.01, 427: 289-301. (SCI, IF=1.785, 中科院3区); 36) Jian Wang, Yiwen Xu, Jindong Zhang*, Yanheng Liu, Weiwen Deng. SAV4AV: Securing Authentication and Verification for Ad-hoc Vehicles. Security and Communication Networks, 2015, 8(4): 626-636. (SCI, IF=0.433, 中科院4区, CCF C); 37) Tao Wu, Jian Wang*, Yanheng Liu, Weiwen Deng, Junyi Deng. Image-based Modeling and Simulating Physical Channel for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications. Ad hoc Networks, 2014.08, (19): 75-91. (SCI, IF=1.943, 中科院3区, CCF C); 38) Jing Zhang, Yanheng Liu, Dayang Sun, Bin Li*. Prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor networks by utilizing feedback control. Wireless Networks, 2014.10, 20(7): 2095-2107. (SCI, IF=1.055, 中科院4区, CCF C); 39) Jian Wang, Yanheng Liu, Kevin Deng*. Modelling and simulating worm propagation in static and dynamic traffic. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2014, 8(2): 155-163. (SCI, IF=0.959, 中科院4区, CCF C); 40) Yanheng Liu, Longxiang Suo, Dayang Sun, Aimin Wang. A virtual square grid-based coverage algorithm of redundant node for wireless sensor network. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2013, 36(2): 811-817. (SCI, IF=1.467, 中科院1区); 41) Yanheng Liu, An Ren, Dayang Sun, Aimin Wang. A Proactive Maintaining Algorithm for Dynamic Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2013, 39(6): 1767–1778. (SCI, IF=0.928, 中科院3区); 42) Xin Sun, Yanheng Liu, Mantao Xu, Huiling Chen, Jiawei Han, Kunhao Wang. Feature selection using dynamic weights for classification. Knowledge-Based System, 2013 (37): 541–549. (SCI, IF=2.422, 中科院2区, CCF C); 43) Xin Sun, Yanheng Liu, Da Wei, Mantao Xu, Huiling Chen, Jiawei Han. Selection of Interdependent Genes via Dynamic Relevance Analysis for Cancer Diagnosis. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2013, 46(2): 252-258. (SCI, IF=2.31, 中科院3区); 44) Sun Dayang, Liu Yanheng*, Huang Xuan. Predictable Energy Aware Routing Based on Dynamic Game Theory in Wireless Sensor Networks. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2013, 39(6): 1601–1608. (SCI, IF=0.928, 中科院3区); 45) Zhu JianQi, Fu Feng, Liu Yan-Heng*, Yin Ke-xin. Dynamic Entropy based DoS Attack Detection Method. Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2013, 39(7): 2243-2251. (SCI, IF=0.928, 中科院3区); 46) Xin Sun, Yanheng Liu, Jin Li Jianqi Zhu, Xuejie Liu, Huiling Chen. Using cooperative game theory to optimize the feature selection problem. Neuro Computing, 2012(97): 86–93. (SCI, IF:1.58, 中科院2区); 47) Xin Sun, Yan-Heng Liu, Bin Li*, Jin Li, Jia-Wei Han and Xue-Jie Liu. Mathematical model for spreading dynamics of social network worms. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2012, DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/2012/04/P04009. (SCI, IF=2.670, 中科院3区); 48) Xin Sun, Yanheng Liu, Jin Li, Jianqi Zhu. Feature evaluation and selection with cooperative game theory. Pattern Recognition, 2012, 45(8): 2992-3002. (SCI, IF=2.607, 中科院2区); 49) Jian Wang, Yanheng Liu, Yu Jiao. Building a Trusted Route in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network Considering Communication Reliability and Path Length. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2011, 34(4): 1138–1149. (SCI, IF= 0.660, 中科院2区, CCF C); 50) Jian Wang, Yanheng Liu, Yu Jiao. Novel Access and Remediation Scheme in Hierarchical Trusted Network. Computer Communications, 2011, 34(3): 375-383. (SCI, IF=0.815, 中科院2区, CCF C); 51) Wang Jian, Liu YanHeng. Modeling software faults propagation. EPL, 2010, 92(6), 60009: 1-5. (SCI, IF=2.753, 中科院3区); 52) Jiao Yu, Liu Yanheng, WANG Jian & WANG Jing. Model for human dynamics based on habit. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(24): 2744-2749. (SCI, IF=1.087, 中科院3区); 53) Jian Wang, Yan-Heng Liu, Cheng Zhang, Yu Jiao. Model for Router-level Internet Topology Based on Attribute Evolution. IEEE Communications Letters, 2009.6, 13(6): 447-449. (SCI, IF=1.38, 中科院3区); 54) Daxin Tian, Yanheng Liu, Yang Xiang. Large-scale network intrusion detection based on distributed learning algorithm. International Journal of Information Security, 2009, 8(1): 25-35. (SCI, IF=1.681, 中科院3区);
2. 国内权威期刊和一级学报论文: 1) 刘衍珩,刘雪莲,王健.一种软件级联故障模型,中国科学(F辑,信息科学),2011,54(11):2454-2458, EI: 20112814137488; 2) 焦玉,刘衍珩,王健.基于习惯的人类动力学建模,科学通报,2010,55(11):1070-1076, EI: 20110713662980; 3) 魏达,王沿锡,王健,刘衍珩,邓伟文.车载自组网移动模型综述,计算机学报,2013, 36(4):677-700,EI:20132116362537; 4) 孙鑫,刘衍珩,朱建启,李飞鹏.社交网络蠕虫仿真建模研究,计算机学报, 2011.7,34(7):1252-1261,EI: 20113214216525。 5) 田大新,刘衍珩,李宾,吴静.基于Hebb规则的分布神经网络学习算法,计算机学报,2007.8,30(8): 1379-1388,EI: 20073810818584; 6) 田大新,刘衍珩,魏达.ARTNIDS:基于自适应谐振理论的网络入侵检测系统,计算机学报,2005.11,28(11): 1882-1889,EI: 2005509589879; 7) 王健,刘衍珩,张程,李成岳.Internet级联动力学分析与建模,软件学报,2010,21(8): 2050-2058,EI: 20103513195452; 8) 刘衍珩,田大新,余雪岗,王健.基于分布式学习的大规模网络入侵检测算法,软件学报,2008.4,19(4): 993-1003,EI: 20082011257002; 9) 孙大洋,刘衍珩,杨东,王爱民.无线传感器网络生存期优化体系研究,计算机研究与发展,2012,49(01): 193-201,EI: 20121014841597; 10) 王健,刘衍珩,梅芳,张程.基于网络拥塞的Internet级联故障建模,计算机研究与发展,2010,47(5): 772-779,EI: 20102513030516; 11) 梅芳,刘衍珩,王健,朱建启.基于可信网络的修复建模与实现,计算机研究与发展,2009.3,(46): 328-331; 12) 孙大洋,刘衍珩,王爱民.一种基于能耗度量的融合树构建算法,计算机研究与发展,2008.1,45(1): 104-109,EI: 20081011136241; 13) 田大新,刘衍珩等.基于无监督学习的网络入侵检测系统,计算机研究与发展,2005,42(增刊): 117-122; 14) 田大新,刘衍珩,李永丽,唐怡.数据包过滤规则的快速匹配算法和冲突检测,计算机研究与发展,2005.7,42(7): 1128-1135,EI: 2005319278437; 15) 刘衍珩,张婧,王健.TrANTHOCNET:信任性蚁群自组织路由算法,电子学报,2012,40(2): 319-326,EI:20121414930445; 16) 王健,刘衍珩,张婧,刘雪莲.移动自组网的主观信任建模与仿真,电子学报,2011,39(12): 2813-2819,EI:20120514736344; 17) 刘衍珩,李飞鹏,孙鑫,朱建启.基于信息传播的社交网络拓扑模型,通信学报,2013,34(4): 1-9,EI: 20132016328447; 18) 焦素云,刘衍珩,魏达.基于分类概念格的动态策略存取模型,通信学报,2011.2,32(2): 27-33,EI: 20090111834080; 19) 吴静,刘衍珩,王健,李伟平.车载自组网的可信认证与信任评估框架,通信学报,2009,30:(10A): 107-113,EI: 20102913085575; 20) 余雪岗,刘衍珩,魏达,田明.用于移动路径预测的混合Markov模型,通信学报,2006.12,27(12): 61-69,EI: 20071010471225; 21) 刘雪洁,刘衍珩,魏达,闻喆.移动IP切换时资源分配动态策略生成机制研究,通信学报,2006.12,27(12): 108-115,EI: 20071010471232; 22) 郝勃,刘衍珩,曲良东,魏达.CAN网络的分组合并策略研究及实现,仪器仪表学报,2012.33(9): 2137-2143,EI: 20124515645388; 23) 曲良东,刘衍珩,余雪岗,高振博.基于虚拟设备的车载异构网络互联模型,仪器仪表学报,2010,31(8): 1094-1099,EI: 20104113283346; 24) 曲良东,刘衍珩,魏达等.由车载网关实现车载信息与互联网络通信,仪器仪表学报,2008,29(11): 2330-2334,EI: 20085111794661; |