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发布日期:2014-11-05 发布人: 点击量:

时间:2014-11-06 15:30
地点:南区 李四光302



Headquarter: ASML Holding N.V.


总部位于荷兰的ASML是全球光刻设备市场的领导者。创立于1984年,在全球16个国家设有70多个办事分支机构,全球员工超过13600人。在阿姆斯特丹及纳斯达克上市,股票代码“ASML”。全球十大集成电路生产商均为ASML的用户。ASML每年人均研发经费名列欧洲第二,吸引了全球技术领域最优秀的人才。 ASML所创造的技术和设备,成就了智能电子产品的普及,从而推动了全球通信、保健、环境、商业、娱乐及交通等领域的发展。




Brion作为ASML旗下重要战略子公司,是提出计算光刻概念的领导者,它利用计算机模拟仿真技术,不仅成功解决了包括高精度建模、IC器件设计的检查与修正等纳米级技术难题,还通过与母公司ASML的技术衔接与创新,实现了半导体制造技术的跨越式大发展。ASML-Brion 睿初科技作为中国软件研发中心位于深圳市高新科技园,为继续提升公司在光刻领域的技术创新和领导地位,正广募英才,进一步壮大技术和商业团队,为客户提供更先进的设计和解决方案。






·       创立于1984年,在阿姆斯特丹泛欧交易所及纳斯达克上市,股票代码为“ASML”

·       全球员工超过13,600人,亚洲员工近3,000人;在16个国家有70多个分支机构。

·       全球十大集成电路生产商均为ASML的用户。

·       ASML每年有5亿欧元以上强劲而稳定的研发计划,数倍于竞争对手,从而支持芯片产业的持续进步及创新。

·       ASML设计、制造光刻设备系统,并拥有自己的服务机构,以确保所有系统保持纳米级精度;30年来,ASML采用独特的价值链商务模式,将600多个供应商组成网络,以速度、技术和灵活性帮助我们在全球市场的竞争中取胜。






















High-TechPark, Shenzhen, China;



Masteror Ph.D. degree, in engineering or science field, e.g. Optics, Physics,Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering;





WeChat: ASMLBrion



Job BC-001, Software QualityAssurance Engineer(软件测试工程师)

As asoftware quality assurance (SQA)engineer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and executingsoftware test plan, test cases and testing tools that are leading the way inassuring high quality of Brion’s world-class product. You will be challengedwith systematic QA testing methodologies in concurrent computing softwarearchitecture environment.

Rolesand Responsibilities:

·                Play a major role to improve quality, functionality, reliabilityand usability of software products

·                Design, develop and execute comprehensive test plan withsystematic QA methodology

·                Test product based on software engineering knowledge and/orsemiconductor knowledge

Job requirements:

·                Master degree, in engineering or science field, e.g. Mathematics,Computer Science, Software, Electrical Engineering, Physics or any relatedengineering;

·                Skillful with one programming language at least

·                Excellent problem solving and trouble shooting skills

·                Detail-oriented, process-driven, patient & positive attitudeunder stress

·                Excellent teamwork and good communication skills

Desire but not required

·                Skillful with automated testing tools, know automation framework

·                Experience in Cross-Platforms (Unix/Windows) application testingenvironment

·                Knowledge in semiconductor lithography, semiconductormanufacturing, and IC design

·                Good understanding of operating system, relational database,concurrent computing, client/server architecture, network protocols, and filesystem management



Job BC-002, Application Software Engineer(软件开发工程师)

As anapplication software engineer (ASE),you will be responsible for designing, developing and testing software programsincluding graphic user interface (GUI), database mapping/connectivity, networkprotocols, and other wide range of applications.  You will communicate andcollaborate with other development team members in developing new products andfunctions while complying with Brion’s software development processes andprocedures. You will be challenged with identifying problems and developingrobust solutions that are based on state of the software technologies.

Roles and Responsibilities:

·       Perform design and code development for general applications suchas GUI, script, system management software.

Job requirements:

·                      Master degree in engineering or science field, e.g. Mathematics,Computer Science, Software, Electrical Engineering;

·                      Proficiency in C/C++ or Java, familiarity with UNIX/Linux orWindows environments programming

·      Solid knowledge on data structure and algorithm

·      Problem analyzing and solving skills, enjoycomputer software programming as a profession

·      Excellent teamwork and good communication skills


 Desired but notrequired:


·       Familiarity with Scripting languages (sh, perl,python, lua, etc.)

·       Familiarity with network programming, graphicsprogramming, or DB programming

·       Knowledge in semiconductor lithography and ICdesign

·       Knowledge about agile programming practices



Job BC- 003, ProductEngineer   (产品工程师)

As a product engineering group(PEG) member, you will act as atechnical liaison between customers and R&D.  You will be responsiblefor providing technical support to the field application engineers andcustomers.  This role requires the individual to work between various organizationsand play a key role in shaping and directing product growth and development.

Roles /Responsibilities:

·        Play a key role in productqualification testing and provide evaluation reports based on customer'srequirements

·        Perform new functionalityfeasibility study and prototype testing

·        Perform world-wide customersupport and participate in customer engagement activities

·        Create technicaldocumentation for special applications and their usage

Job requirements:

·       Master or Ph.D. degree graduating from top universities, withsolid knowledge in mathematics or physics or optics.

·       Basic knowledge of software engineering and computer programming

·       A good team player with strong interpersonal skills

·       Excellent communication and presentation skills

·       Fluent speaking English

Desired but not required:

·       Familiarity with UNIX environment, C/C++, scripting languages,databases

·       Familiarity and experience with computer systems and computernetworks

·       Solid training and knowledge in mathematics or optics or physics

·       Knowledge in semiconductor lithography, semiconductormanufacturing, and IC design

·       Especially welcome the applicant who has the experience ofAdvanced Process Control (APC) in the FAB.

Job BC- 004, Product Engineer(Korean Speaking) 

(产品工程师  韩语)

As a productengineering group (PEG) member, you will act as a technical liaison betweencustomers and R&D. You will be responsible for providing technical supportto the field application engineers and customers. This role requires theindividual to work between various organizations and play a key role in shapingand directing product growth and development.



·       Perform new functionality feasibility study and prototype testing

·       Play a key role in product qualification testing and provideevaluation reports based on customer's requirements

·       Perform world-wide customer support and participate in customerengagement activities

·       Create technical best practice flow and documentation for specialapplications


·       Basic knowledge of software engineering and computer programming

·       Attention to details

·       Excellent communication skills in English, both writing andspeaking

·       Fluent in Korean


Desired but notrequired:

·       Familiarity with UNIX environment, C/C++, scripting languages,databases

·       Solid training and knowledge in mathematics or optics or physics

·       Familiarity and experience with computer systems and computernetworks

·       Knowledge in semiconductor lithography, semiconductormanufacturing, and IC design



Job BC-005, Algorithm Engineer(算法工程师)

As an algorithm research anddevelopment (R&D) team member, you will be responsible for designing,developing and testing algorithms that turn general requirement definitionsinto functioning software product.  You will communicate and collaboratewith other development team members in developing new products and functionswhile complying with Brion’s software development processes and procedures. Youwill be challenged with identifying problems and design robust solutions thatare based on state of the art algorithm and software technologies.

Roles /Responsibilities:

·       Develop and maintain computational lithography modeling andarchitecture codes in C/C++;

·       Take on research, modeling and simulation of the physical processof lithography;

·       Optimize codes and algorithm;

·       Provide technical support of our products for world-widecustomers.

Job requirements:

·       Master or Ph.D. degree in engineering or science field, e.g.Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Software, Electrical Engineering;

·       Proficiency in C/C++;

·       Knowledge of numerical computation;

·       Strong analytical skills and high creativity;

Desired but not required:

·                         Familiarity with UNIX environment, scripting languages

·                         Knowledge in semiconductor lithography and IC design

·                         Solid training and knowledge in mathematics, optics or physics

